~~NOTRANS~~ ====== Research ====== I am a PhD candidate and researcher at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction. I graduated the same university in 2009 receiving master’s degree. My Master’s thesis “User Interface Generator” is followed by my research where I focus on automatic user interface generation. I am further interested in usability engineering, accessibility and web technologies. I wrote or contributed to about 14 papers and articles published mostly in proceedings of various international conferences. I was involved in two EU founded projects i2home and VITAL (6th Framework program). I have supervised 11 BSc. and MSc. theses. Currently I am involved in two national projects focused on e-governance and visual computing. [[http://cz.linkedin.com/pub/miroslav-mac%C3%ADk/10/61b/435/|My professional profile at Linked-in]] ====== List of publications ====== - Macík, M. - Sporka, A. - Slavík, P.: An initial study of effects of temporary disabilities, In: SIGACCESS Access. Comput. [online]. 2012, vol. 2012/2, no. 103, p. 3-13. Internet: http://www.sigaccess.org/community/newsletter/. ISSN 1558-2337. - Macík, M. - Context model for ability-based automatic UI generation, In: CogInfoCom 2012. 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141: IEEE, 2012, p. 727-732. ISBN 978-1-4673-5185-0. - Macík, M. - Bašek, J. - Klíma, M. Forms602 to UIProtocol Format Converter [Software splňující podmínky RIV (dřív Autorizovaný]. 2012. - Macík, M. - Klíma, M. Smart Home User Interfaces for Elderly and People with Disabilities In: Smart Homes 2012. Prague: Czech Technical University, 2012, p. 11-13. ISBN 978-80-01-05144-3. - Macík, M. - Sporka, A. Does User's Fatigue Overweight the Effect of Practice? In: Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks / 720: Software Engineering (PDCN,SE 2011). Calgary: Acta Press, 2011, p. 720-729. ISBN 978-0-88986-864-9. - Hušek, J. - Macík, M. Multi-touch Table with Image Capturing, In: CESCG 2011. Vienna: Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Computer Aided Automation, 2011, p. 91-98. ISBN 978-3-9502533-3-7. - Macík, M. - Klíma, M. - Slavík, P.: UI Generation for Data Visualisation in Heterogenous Environment, In: Advances in Visual Computing. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011, vol. 6939, p. 647-658. ISBN 978-3-642-24030-0. - Macík, M. - Bašek, J. - Klíma, M.: UIP Portal: [Software splňující podmínky RIV (dřív Autorizovaný]. 2011. - Macík, M. - Hanzl, F. - Slováček, V. - Slavík, P. - Klíma, M.: User Interface and Workflow Platform In: Workshop 2011,CTU Student Grant Competition in 2010 (SGS 2010). Praha: ČVTVS, 2011, p. 1-5. - Macík, M. Centralized application logic for heterogeneous environment In: POSTER 2010 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering. Prague: CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2010, p. 1-6. ISBN 978-80-01-04544-2. - Hušek, Jakub - Macík, M.: Display s vícedotykovým ovládáním a snímáním obrazu. [Funkční vzorek]. 2010. - Slováček, V. - Macík, M. - Klíma, M.: Development framework for pervasive computing applications, In: SIGACCESS Access. Comput. [online]. 2009, vol. 2009, no. 95, p. 17-29. Internet: http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1651259.1651262&coll=Portal&dl=ACM&CFID=74154313&CFTOKEN=67614527. ISSN 1558-2337. - Macík, M. - Hanzl, F. - Klíma, M. - Slováček, V.: Digital Household User Interfaces for Seniors, In: Ambient Intelligence Perspectives II, Selcted Papers from the Second International Ambient Intelligence Forum 2009. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2009, p. 129-144. ISBN 978-1-60750-480-1. - Macík, M. - Slováček, V. - Klíma, M.: User Interfaces for Intelligent Household, In: Ambient Intelligence European Conference, AmI 2009, Salzburg, Austria, November 18-21, 2009. Adjunct proceedings.. Salzburg: ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg, 2009, p. 85-88. ISBN 978-3-902737-00-7. - Macík, M. - Slováček, V.: User interfaces for intelligent household remote controls, In: Proceedings of the 13th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics. Vienna: Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Computer Aided Automation, 2009, p. 171-177. ISBN 978-3-9502533-1-3. - Klíma, M. - Szabo, A. - Macík, M. - Slováček, V.: I2HOME Demo Set [Funkční vzorek]. 2008. - Klíma, M. - Macík, M. - Urdaneta, E. - Buiza, C. - Carrasco, E. - et al.: User Interfaces for the Digital Home on the basis of Open Industrial Standards, In: Ambient Intelligence Perspectives Selected Papers from the First International Ambient Intelligence Forum 2008. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2008, p. 144-152. ISBN 978-1-58603-946-2. - Yanguas, J., Urdaneta, E., Buiza, C., Carrasco, E., Klima, M., Macik, M., ... & Alexandersson, J. (2008, October). 12HOME: INCLUDING ELDERLY PEOPLE IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY BY MEANS OF INTUITIVE USER INTERFACES. In GERONTOLOGIST (Vol. 48, pp. 24-24). 1030 15TH ST NW, STE 250, WASHINGTON, DC 20005202-842 USA: GERONTOLOGICAL SOC AMER. ===== Presentations ===== - {{:en:members:macikmir:southchi_prezentace-copy.pdf|Presentation at SOUTHCHI 2013 conference}} - {{:en:members:macikmir:coginfocom_prezentace.pdf|Presentation at CogInfoCom 2012 conference}} - {{:en:members:macikmir:smarthomes_macik.pdf|Presentation at SmartHomes 2012 conference}} ===== Other publications ===== {{:en:members:macikmir:macik-dissertation-thesis-proposal.pdf|Dissertation thesis proposal}}