====== TEMPORARY HANDICAPS AND DISABILITIES ====== **CALL FOR PAPERS** We cordially invite you to submit a paper to a parallel track **TEMPORARY HANDICAPS AND DISABILITIES** held as a part of the conference HCI International 2011. The conference will take part 9 -- 14 July 2011 in Orlando, Florida [[http://www.hcii2011.org/]] This session will focus on handicaps and disabilities in users that cause temporary limitations of their ability to use their computing equipment. These handicaps may be caused by an injury, illness, or even hardware malfunction. While the typical users are not ready to invest in full-scale assistive technology (financial and time constraints), they can benefit from creative low-cost solutions, perhaps unsuitable for long-term use but providing a feasible alternative while the handicap lasts. The session is organized by Adam J Sporka, Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction, Czech Technical University in Prague. ===== Submission details ===== (1) Please write to sporkaa [at] fel [dot] cvut [dot] cz to state your intention to submit. (2) Submission for review: 800-word abstract * Deadline: 5 November 2010 * Notification: 26 November 2010 * Please submit by e-mail to sporkaa [at] fel [dot] cvut[dot]cz (3) Camera ready: 10 pages * Format: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science format * Deadline: Early 2011 * Published by: Springer-Verlag The papers will be reviewed by an international editorial board. If your paper is accepted, a necessary condition for the inclusion of your paper in the proceedings is that at least one author registers for participation at HCII 2011. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: * Ethnographical research of temporary disabilities * Low-cost assistive technology for temporary disabilities * Case studies * Emulation of standard devices * Voice interaction for temporary vision and motor impairments