====== Excursional student seminars in Dresden ====== [[http://www.htw-dresden.de|{{:en:research:htw-dresden.jpg?300 |Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden}}]] University Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik) in cooperation with our department has been organizing collective seminars for selected students for many years. These seminars are held annually. Both schools send to the workshops their students from undergraduate and graduate studies. Students have the opportunity to present their best work and exchange information and experience. They can monitor and compare their effort with colleagues from the partner university. Students thus get better knowledge on how the research is organized (as the majority of student work was created during the research - whether it was the basic research or applied research undertaken in cooperation with companies). Students can also come into contact with the latest technologies at the partner university and establish new cooperation. The seminars have a long tradition - they have already been held for 17 years. Within this period the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction (originally the part of the Department of Computer Science) has sent over several dozens of their best students, who have presented their work as well as represented the CTU itself. Nowadays the seminars have two parts. First part takes place as a two-day tour of German students at the CTU, where in addition they can visit laboratories and discuss the results of research projects at the department. The second part is the workshop in Dresden, which lasts one day and is supplemented by a cultural program next day. Since the beginning of this project the head organizer has been Professor Pavel Slavík. Along with some other members of our department have recently participated in these workshops, for example: Ing. Daniel Sýkora, PhD., Ing. Zdeněk Trávníček, Ing. Miroslav Macík, Ing. Jan Vystrčil and many others. {{gallery>:en:research:htw-dresden?~4}} ====== WorkShop 2010 ====== * Accessible rich internet applications. //Miroslav Karšulín.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Studenten-Workshop-2010/karsulin.pdf|PDF]] * Foreign language telephone communication tool. //Jan MUrin, Adam J. Sporka.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Studenten-Workshop-2010/murin.pdf|PDF]] * Mobile public transport application. //Václav Purchart.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Studenten-Workshop-2010/purchart.pdf|PDF]] * Multiplayer GPS Game with Emphasis on Community. //David Vávra.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Studenten-Workshop-2010/vavra.pdf|PDF]] * Rollercoaster editor and simulator. //Tereza Hyková.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Studenten-Workshop-2010/hykova.pdf|PDF]] * Vector-based keyboard. //Martin Pirkl, Martin Klíma.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Studenten-Workshop-2010/pirkl.pdf|PDF]] * [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Studenten-Workshop-2010|...other projects]] ====== WorkShop 2009 ====== * Collaborative virtual environments using immersive devices. //Zdeněk Trávníček, Roman Berka, Jiří Navrátil.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2009/colaborative-immersive-environments.pdf|PDF]] * Methods for emulation of mouse cursor gestures. //Ondřej Poláček.// * NaviTerier Navigation system for visually impaired users. //Jan Balata, Pavel Cvetler.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2009/NaviTerier.pdf|PDF]] * New approach in managing study materials at universities. //Aleš Novotný.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2009/novotal1_dresden.pdf|PDF]] * UIProtocol. //Václav Slováček.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2009/UIProtocol.pdf|PDF]] * UIProtocol Visual Editor. //Ota Hauptmann.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2009/UIProtocol%20Visual%20Editor.pdf|PDF]] * [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2009|...other projects]] ====== WorkShop 2008 ====== * Elderly Users and IDTV(Interactive Digital TV). //Filip Hanzl.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2008/Session_2/hanzl.pdf|PDF]] * Mobile Public Transportation Timetables. //Petr Podhorský.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2008/Session_1/podhorsky.pdf|PDF]] * NaviTerier: Navigation system for visually impaired users. //Jan Vystrčil.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2008/Session_1/vystrcil.pdf |PDF]] * Task modeling for i2home. //Michal Kuřítka.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2008/Session_1/kuritka.pdf|PDF]] * Tools for design and implementation of user interfaces in i2home project (intelligent household). //Miroslav Macík, Václav Slováček//. [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2008/Session_1/macik-slovacek.pdf|PDF]] * UIProtocol in i2home. //Miroslav Macík, Václav Slováček.// [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2008/Session_1/macik-slovacek.pdf|PDF]] * [[http://www2.htw-dresden.de/~oertel/Directory/Student-Workshop-2008|...other projects]]