====== Center for Computer Graphics ====== ====== Overview ====== The Center for Computer Graphics covers computer graphics groups of four prominent universities in the Czech Republic: Czech Technical University in Prague, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Masaryk University in Brno, and Brno University of Technology. The center aims to combine the expertise of the partners and stimulate their cooperation in the area of new interaction methods for virtual reality, development of algorithms for modelling and visualization, and the design of specialized graphics hardware. ^ {{:en:research:06_logo-cpg.png }} ^ Official web pages of the Center for Computer Graphics ^ | ::: | http://cpg.felk.cvut.cz | ====== Partners ====== ^ {{:en:research:06_logo-cgg.png }} ^ Czech Technical University in Prague ^ | ::: | Faculty of Electrical Engineering | | ::: | Computer Graphics Group | | ::: | http://www.cgg.cvut.cz | | \\ | \\ | ^ {{:en:research:06_logo-plzen.png }} ^ University of West Bohemia in Pilsen ^ | ::: | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | | ::: | Centre of Computer Graphics and Data Visualisation | | ::: | http://herakles.zcu.cz | | \\ | \\ | ^ {{:en:research:06_logo-mu.png }} ^ Masaryk University in Brno ^ | ::: | Human Computer Interaction Laboratory | | ::: | [[http://decibel.fi.muni.cz/hcilab/|http://decibel.fi.muni.cz/hcilab]] | | \\ | \\ | ^ {{:en:research:06_logo-vut.png }} ^ Brno University of Technology ^ | ::: | Faculty of Information Technology | | ::: | Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia | | ::: | [[http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/research/groups/graph]] | ====== Funding ====== The Center for Computer Graphics is supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under the research program LC-06008. \\ \\ \\ ---- ;;# Person responsible for the page content: [[bittner@fel.cvut.cz|Ing. Jiří Bittner, Ph.D.]] ;;#