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  • Vinkler M., Havran V., Sochor J.
    • Visibility Driven BVH Build Up Algorithm for Ray Tracing
    • Computers & Graphics. 2012, vol. 36, no. 4, p. 283-296. ISSN 0097-8493.


  • Baboud L., Čadík M., Eisemann E., Seidel H. P.
    • Automatic Photo-to-Terrain Alignment for the Annotation of Mountain Pictures
    • In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on [CD-ROM]. New York: IEEE Press, 2011, p. 41-48. ISBN 978-1-4577-0394-2.
  • Bittner J., Mattausch O., Silvennoinen A., Wimmer M.
    • Shadow caster culling for efficient shadow mapping
    • In Proceedings of Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games. New York: ACM Press, 2011, p. 81-88. ISBN 978-1-4503-0565-5.
  • Danihelka J., Hák R., Kencl L., Žára J.
    • 3D Talking-Head Interface to Voice-Interactive Services on Mobile Phones
    • International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction. 2011, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 50-64. ISSN 1942-390X.
  • Danihelka J., Žára J.
    • Procedural Generation of Infinite Cities
    • In EG 2011 - Posters. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2011, p. 31-33. ISSN 1017-4656.
  • Dušková E., Žára J.
    • Architectural Styles Dependent Shape Grammar Representation of Facades
    • In EG 2011 - Posters. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2011, p. 1-2. ISSN 1017-4656.
  • Hapala M., Havran V.
    • Review: Kd-tree Traversal Algorithms for Ray Tracing
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2011, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 199-213. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Hapala M., Karlík O., Havran V.
    • When It Makes Sense to Use Uniform Grids for Ray Tracing
    • In WSCG'2011 - 19-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2011, Communication Papers [CD-ROM]. Plzeň: UNION Agency - Science Press, 2011, p. 193-200. ISBN 978-80-86943-82-4.
  • Hyková T., Sporka A., Vystrčil J., Klíma M., Slavík P.
    • Pregnancy Test for the Vision-Impaired Users
    • In Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011, vol. IV, p. 335-344. ISBN 978-3-642-21656-5.
  • Klíma M., Slavík P.
    • Vector Keyboard for Android Platform-Based Devices
    • In Human Interface and the Management of Information. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011, p. 435-442. ISBN 978-3-642-21792-0.
  • Kunc L., Slavík P.
    • Corrected Human Vision System and the McGurk Effect
    • In HCI International 2011. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011, p. 345-349. ISBN 978-3-642-22094-4.
  • Macík M., Klíma M., Slavík P.
    • UI Generation for Data Visualisation in Heterogenous Environment
    • In Advances in Visual Computing [CD-ROM]. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011, vol. 6939, p. 647-658. ISBN 978-3-642-24030-0.
  • Sedláček D., Žára J.
    • The Langweil Model of Prague - a Challenge for State-of-the-art 3D Reconstruction Techniques
    • In EG 2011 - Posters. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2011, p. 1-2. ISSN 1017-4656.
  • Slavík P., Míkovec Z.
    • Usability in the Czech Republic
    • In Global Usability. London: Springer, 2011, p. 137-152. ISBN 978-0-85729-303-9.
  • Sporka A., Felzer Torsten, Kurniawan Sri H., Poláček O., Haiduk Paul, Mackenzie I. Scott
    • CHANTI: predictive text entry using non-verbal vocal input
    • In CHI '11 Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems [CD-ROM]. New York: ACM, 2011, p. 2463-2472. ISBN 978-1-4503-0228-9.


  • Čmolík L., Bittner J.
    • Layout-aware optimization for interactive labeling of 3D models
    • Computers & Graphics. 2010, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 378-387. ISSN 0097-8493.
  • Havran V., Filip J., Myszkowski K.
    • Bidirectional Texture Function Compression Based on Multi-Level Vector Quantization
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2010, vol. 29, no. 1, p. 175-190. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Malý I., Curin J., Slavík P., Kleindienst J.
    • Framework for Visual Analysis of User Behaviour in Ambient Intelligence Environment
    • In Ambient Intelligence. Vukovar: Intech, 2010, p. 85-107. ISBN 978-953-307-078-0.
  • Míkovec Z., Slavík P., Klíma M.
    • Návrh a testování uživatelských rozhraní
    • In DATAKON 2010 Tutoriály. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 2010, s. 1-22. ISBN 978-80-7368-425-9.
  • Ozan Aydin T., Čadík M., Myszkowski K., Seidel H. -P.
    • Video Quality Assessment for Computer Graphics Applications
    • ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). 2010, vol. 29, no. 5, p. 1-11. ISSN 0730-0301.
  • Ozan Aydin T., Čadík M., Myszkowski K., Seidel H. -P.
    • Visually Significant Edges
    • ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP). 2010, vol. 7, no. 4, p. 1-8. ISSN 1544-3558.
  • Pajak D., Čadík M., Ozan Aydin T., Myszkowski K., Seidel H. -P.
    • Contrast Prescription for Multiscale Image Editing
    • The Visual Computer. 2010, vol. 26, no. 6, p. 739-748. ISSN 0178-2789.
  • Sýkora D., Sedláček D., Jinchao S., Dingliana J., Collins S.
    • Adding Depth to Cartoons Using Sparse Depth (In)equalities
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2010, vol. 29, no. 2, p. 615-623. ISSN 0167-7055.


  • Bittner J., Mattausch O., Wimmer M.
    • Game Engine Friendly Occlusion Culling
    • In ShaderX7: Advanced Rendering Techniques. Boston: Charles River Media, 2009, p. 637-653. ISBN 1-58450-598-2.
  • Bittner J., Mattausch O., Wonka P., Havran V., Wimmer M.
    • Adaptive Global Visibility Sampling
    • ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). 2009, vol. 28, no. 3, p. 94:1-94:10. ISSN 0730-0301.
  • Sýkora D., Dingliana J., Collins S.
    • LazyBrush: Flexible Painting Tool for Hand-drawn Cartoons
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2009, vol. 28, no. 2, p. 599-608. ISSN 0167-7055.


  • Čadík M.
    • Erratum to “Evaluation of HDR tone mapping methods using essential perceptual attributes” [Comput. Graph. 32(3) (2008) 330-349]
    • Computers & Graphics. 2008, vol. 32, no. 6, p. 716-719. ISSN 0097-8493.
  • Čadík M.
    • Perceptual Evaluation of Color-to-Grayscale Image Conversions
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2008, vol. 27, no. 7, p. 1745-1754. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Čadík M., Wimmer M., Neumann L., Artusi A.
    • Evaluation of HDR Tone Mapping Methods Using Essential Perceptual Attributes
    • Computers & Graphics. 2008, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 330-349. ISSN 0097-8493.
  • Kavan L., Collins S., Žára J., O'sullivan C.
    • Geometric skinning with approximate dual quaternion blending
    • ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). 2008, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 1-23. ISSN 0730-0301.
  • Mattausch O., Bittner J., Wimmer M.
    • CHC++: Coherent Hierarchical Culling Revisited
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2008, vol. 27, no. 2, p. 221-230. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Obert J., Křivánek J., Pellacini F., Sýkora D., Pattanaik S.
    • iCheat: A Representation for Artistic Control of Indirect Cinematic Lighting
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2008, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 1217-1224. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Zhou K., Zhang E., Bittner J., Wonka P.
    • Visibility-driven Mesh Analysis and Visualization through Graph Cuts
    • IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2008, vol. 14, no. 6, p. 1667-1674. ISSN 1077-2626.


  • Herzog R., Havran V., Kinuwaki S., Myszkowski K., Seidel H. -P.
    • Global Illumination using Photon Ray Splatting
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2007, vol. 2007, no. 3, p. 503-513. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Obert J., Křivánek J., Sýkora D., Pattanaik S.
    • Interactive light transport editing for flexible global illumination
    • In International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 sketches. New York: ACM, 2007, p. 57.
  • Sporka A., Harada S., Kurniawan S.
    • Striking a c[h]ord: vocal interaction in assistive technologies, games, and more
    • In CHI '07 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. New York: ACM, 2007, p. 2869-2872. ISBN 978-1-59593-642-4.
  • Sporka A., Kurniawan S. H., Mahmud M., Slavík P.
    • Longitudinal study of continuous non-speech operated mouse pointer
    • In CHI '07 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. New York: ACM, 2007, p. 2669-2674. ISBN 978-1-59593-642-4.
  • Sporka A., Kurniawan S., Slavík P.
    • Physical Human Factor in Non-speech Input
    • In Prooceedings of the CHI 2007 Workshop Striking a C[h]ord: Vocal Interaction in Assistive Technologies, Games, and More. Prague: CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2007, p. 13-16.


  • Havran V., Bittner J.
    • Efficient Sorting and Searching in Rendering Algorithms. Eurographics 2006 Tutorial T4
    • In Eurographics 2006 - Tutorials. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2006, vol. 1, p. 325-398. ISSN 1017-4656.
  • Míkovec Z., Čmolík L., Kopsa J., Slavík P.
    • Beyond traditional interaction in a mobile environment: New approach to 3D scene rendering
    • Computers & Graphics. 2006, vol. 30, no. 5, p. 714-726. ISSN 0097-8493.
  • Žára J.
    • Virtual Reality Course - A Natural Enrichment of Computer Graphics Classes
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2006, vol. 25, no. 1, p. 105-112. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Žára J.
    • Web-Based Historical City Walks: Advances and Bottlenecks
    • PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 2006, vol. 15, no. 3, p. 262-277. ISSN 1054-7460.


  • Bittner J., Wonka P. W., Wimmer M. W.
    • Fast Exact From-Region Visibility in Urban Scenes
    • In Eurographics Symposium on Rendering. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2005, p. 223-230. ISBN 3-905673-23-1.
  • Čadík M., Slavík P.
    • The Naturalness of Reproduced High Dynamic Range Images
    • In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2005, p. 920-925. ISBN 0-7695-2397-8.
  • Efremov A., Havran V., Seidel H. -P.
    • Robust and Numerically Stable Bézier Clipping Method for Ray Tracing NURBS Surfaces
    • In Proceedings of the 21st spring conference on Computer graphics. New York: ACM, 2005, p. 127-135. ISBN 1-59593-204-6.
  • Havran V., Bittner J., Herzog R. H., Seidel H. -P. S.
    • Ray Maps for Global Illumination
    • In Eurographics Symposium on Rendering. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2005, p. 43-54. ISBN 3-905673-23-1.
  • Havran V., Herzog W., Seidel H. -P.
    • Fast final gathering via reverse photon mapping
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2005, vol. 24, no. 3, p. 323-333. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Havran V., Neumann A., Zotti G., Purgathofer W., Seidel H. -P.
    • On Cross-Validation and Resampling of BRDF Data Measurements
    • In Proceedings of the 21st spring conference on Computer graphics. New York: ACM, 2005, p. 161-168. ISBN 1-59593-204-6.
  • Havran V., Smyk M., Krawczyk G., Myszkowski K., Seidel H. -P.
    • Interactive System for Dynamic Scene Lighting using Captured Video Environment Maps
    • In Eurographics Symposium on Rendering. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2005, p. 31-42. ISBN 3-905673-23-1.
  • Kavan L., Žára J.
    • Spherical Blend Skinning: A Real-time Deformation of Articulated Models
    • In Proceedings I3D 2005. New York: ACM SIGGRAPH, 2005, p. 9-16. ISBN 1-59593-013-2.
  • Kavan L., Žára J.
    • Fast Collision Detection for Skeletally Deformable Models
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2005, vol. 24, no. 3, p. 363-372. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Kohout J., Kolingerová I., Žára J.
    • Parallel Delaunay triangulation in E2 and E3 for computers with shared memory
    • Parallel Computing. 2005, vol. 31, no. 5, p. 491-522. ISSN 0167-8191.
  • Máša M., Žára J., Smetana P.
    • eGaLab: a New Dimension for Artists
    • Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds. 2005, vol. 2, no. 16, p. 121-127. ISSN 1546-4261.
  • Sporka A., Němec V., Slavík P.
    • Tangible Newspaper for the Visually Impaired Users
    • In Proceedings of CHI 2005. New York: ACM Press, 2005, p. 1809-1812. ISBN 1-59593-083-3.
  • Štěpán V., Žára J., Hlaváč V.
    • Presenting Generalized Human Activities in Virtual Environment
    • In Proceedings of the 21st Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. New York: ACM, 2005, p. 51-58. ISBN 1-59593-203-6.
  • Sýkora D., Buriánek J., Žára J.
    • Colorization of Black-and-White Cartoons
    • Image and Vision Computing. 2005, vol. 23, no. 9, p. 767-782. ISSN 0262-8856.
  • Sýkora D., Buriánek J., Žára J.
    • Sketching Cartoons by Example
    • In Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2005, p. 27-34. ISSN 1812-3503.
  • Wimer M. W., Bittner J.
    • Hardware Occlusion Queries Made Useful
    • In GPU Gems 2: Programming Techniques for High-Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation. Boston: Addison Wesley Professional, 2005, p. 91-108. ISBN 0-321-33559-7.
  • Žára J.
    • Virtual Reality Course - A Natural Enrichment of Computer Graphics Classes
    • In Eurographics 05 - Education Papers. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2005, p. 25-32. ISSN 1017-4656.
  • Žára J., Beneš B., Sochor J., Felkel P.
    • Moderní počítačová grafika
    • 2. vyd. Brno: Computer Press, 2005. 628 s. ISBN 80-251-0454-0.


  • Berka R., Sporka A., Slavík P., Žára J.
    • VRI Exhibition
    • In Proceedings of SCCG (conference materials and posters). Bratislava: Comenius University, 2004, p. 47-51. ISSN 1335-5694.
  • Bittner J., Wimmer M. W., Piringer H. P., Purgathofer W. P.
    • Coherent Hierarchical Culling: Hardware Occlusion Queries Made Useful
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2004, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 615-624. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Bühler K., Felkel P., La Cruz A.
    • Geometric Methods for Vessel Visualization and Quantification - A Survey
    • In Geometric Modeling for Scientific Visualization. Berlin: Springer, 2004, p. 399-420. ISBN 3-540-40116-4.
  • Čadík M., Slavík P.
    • Evaluation of Two Principal Approaches to Objective Image Quality Assessment
    • In Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004, p. 513-518. ISBN 0-7695-2177-0.
  • Felkel P., Wegenkittl R., Buehler K.
    • Surface Models of Tube Trees
    • In Computer Graphics International (CGI'04) . Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2004, p. 70-77. ISBN 0-7695-2171-1.
  • Gayer M., Slavík P.
    • Hierarchical Trees of Unsteady Simulation Datasets
    • In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling. Calgary: IASTED, 2004, vol. 1, p. 303-308. ISBN 0-88986-401-2.
  • Jelínek J., Slavík P.
    • XML Visualization Using Tree Rewriting
    • In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG 2004 - Conference Proceedings. New York: ACM SIGGRAPH, 2004, p. 65-72. ISBN 1-58113-914-4.
  • Kohout J., Kolingerová I., Žára J.
    • Practically Oriented Parallel Delaunay Triangulation in E2 for Computers with Shared Memory
    • Computers & Graphics. 2004, vol. 28, no. 5, p. 703-718. ISSN 0097-8493.
  • Křivánek J., Pattanaik S., Žára J.
    • Adaptive Mesh Subdivision for Precomputed Radiance Transfer
    • In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG 2004 - Conference Proceedings. New York: ACM SIGGRAPH, 2004, p. 106-111. ISBN 1-58113-914-4.
  • Semančík J., Pelikán J., Žára J.
    • Interactive Synthesis of Constrained Motion from Example Movements
    • In Proceedings of the 4th IASTED International Conference on VISUALIZATION, IMAGING, AND IMAGE PROCESSING . Calgary: Acta Press, 2004, p. 878-883. ISBN 0-88986-454-3.
  • Sýkora D., Buriánek J., Žára J.
    • Unsupervised Colorization of Black-and-White Cartoons
    • In Proceedings NPAR 2004 - 3rd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. New York: ACM SIGGRAPH, 2004, p. 121-128. ISBN 1-58113-887-3.
  • Tawara T., Myszkowski K., Dmitriev K., Havran V., Damez C., Seidel J. -P.
    • Exploiting Temporal Coherence in Global Illumination
    • In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG 2004 - Conference Proceedings. New York: ACM SIGGRAPH, 2004, p. 16-26. ISBN 1-58113-914-4.
  • Ženka R., Slavík P.
    • Estimating the 'Mental Image' for Comprehensible Rendering of 3D Objects
    • In Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004, p. 555-560. ISBN 0-7695-2177-0.


  • Bittner J., Přikryl J., Slavík P.
    • Exact Regional Visibility Using Line Space Partitioning
    • Computers & Graphics. 2003, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 569-580. ISSN 0097-8493.
  • Bittner J., Wonka P.
    • Visibility in Computer Graphics
    • Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 2003, vol. 30, no. 5, p. 729-756. ISSN 0265-8135.
  • Gayer M., Slavík P.
    • Pre-Calculated Fluid Simulator States Tree
    • In Twelfth IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling. Anaheim: Acta Press, 2003, p. 610-615. ISBN 0-88986-384-9.
  • Gayer M., Slavík P., Hrdlička F.
    • Interactive Educational System for Coal Combustion Modeling in Power Plant Boilers
    • In EUROCON 2003 - Computer As a Tool - Proceedings. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003, vol. II, p. 220-224. ISBN 0-7803-7763-X.
  • Gayer M., Slavík P., Hrdlička F.
    • Real-time Simulation and Visualization using Pre-Calculated Fluid Simulator States
    • In Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003, p. 440-445. ISBN 0-7695-1988-1.
  • Havran V., Bittner J., Seidel H. -P. S.
    • Exploiting Temporal Coherence in Ray Casted Walkthroughs
    • In Proceedings - Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2003. New York: ACM SIGGRAPH, 2003, p. 164-172. ISBN 1-58113-861-X.
  • Havran V., Dmitriev K., Seidel H. -P.
    • Goniometric Diagram Mapping for Hemisphere
    • In Eurographics 2003 Short Presentations. Aire-la-Ville: Eurographics Association, 2003, p. 293-300. ISSN 1017-4656.
  • Havran V., Purgathofer W.
    • On Comparing Ray Shooting Algorithms
    • Computers & Graphics. 2003, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 593-604. ISSN 0097-8493.
  • Kadleček D., Řehoř D., Nahodil P., Slavík P.
    • Analysis of Virtual Agent Communities by Means of AI Techniques and Visualization
    • In Intelligent Virtual Agents. Berlin: Springer, 2003, p. 274-282. ISBN 3-540-20003-7.
  • Klíma M., Míkovec Z., Slavík P.
    • Mobile Data Sharing and Collaboration
    • In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003. Lisboa: IADIS Press, 2003, vol. II, p. 899-902. ISBN 972-98947-1-X.
  • Komzák J., Slavík P.
    • Scaleable GIS Data Transmission and Visualisation
    • In Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003, p. 230-236. ISBN 0-7695-1988-1.
  • Křivánek J., Žára J., Bouatouch K.
    • Fast Depth of Field Rendering with Surface Splatting
    • In Proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2003. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003, p. 196-201. ISBN 0-7695-1946-6.
  • Máša M., Žára J., Smetana P.
    • eGaLab - a New Dimension for Artists
    • In Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Cyberworlds. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003, p. 466-471. ISBN 0-7695-1922-9.
  • Matoušek V., Slavík P.
    • HCI Education in the Czech Republic
    • In Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT '03. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2003, p. 1067-1068. ISBN 1-58603-363-8.
  • Matoušek V., Slavík P.
    • HCI Research in the Czech Republic
    • In Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT '03. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2003, p. 1085-1086. ISBN 1-58603-363-8.
  • Míkovec Z., Klíma M., Foldyna R.
    • GUI for Graphical Data Retrieval by Means of Semantic Filtering
    • In Human-Computer Interaction: Theory and Practice (Part II). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2003, p. 193-197. ISBN 0-8058-4931-9.
  • Míkovec Z., Slavík P.
    • A Structured Approach to the Interaction in 3D
    • In Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2003, p. 123-127. ISBN 0-8058-4933-5.
  • Míkovec Z., Slavík P., Klíma M.
    • Human-Computer Communication in Special Environments
    • In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003. Lisboa: IADIS Press, 2003, vol. II, p. 763-766. ISBN 972-98947-1-X.
  • Němec V., Sporka A., Slavík P.
    • Interaction of Visually Impaired Users in Virtual Environment with Spatial Sound Enhancement
    • In Universal Access in HCI: Inclusive Design in the Information Society. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2003, p. 1310-1314. ISBN 0-8058-4933-5.
  • Němec V., Žikovský P., Slavík P.
    • Multimodal Interaction and Access to Complex Data
    • In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003. Lisboa: IADIS Press, 2003, vol. II, p. 767-770. ISBN 972-98947-1-X.
  • Řehoř D., Kadleček D., Slavík P., Nahodil P.
    • VAT - a New Approach to Multi-agent Systems Visualization
    • In Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing. Anaheim: Acta Press, 2003, vol. II, p. 849-854. ISBN 0-88986-382-2.
  • Slavík P., Gayer M., Hrdlička F., Kubelka O.
    • Problems of Visualization of Technological Processes
    • In Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference. Norfolk, VA: Omnipress, 2003, p. 746-754. ISBN 0-7803-8132-7.
  • Sloup J.
    • Visual Simulation of Refraction Phenomena in the Earth's Atmosphere
    • In Seventh International Conference on Information Visualization. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003, p. 452-457. ISBN 0-7695-1988-1.
  • Štěpán V., Žára J., Hlaváč V.
    • Describing Human Activities for VR Presentation
    • In Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing. Anaheim: Acta Press, 2003, vol. II, p. 37-42. ISBN 0-88986-382-2.
  • Sýkora D., Buriánek J., Žára J.
    • Segmentation of Black and White Cartoons
    • In Proceedings - Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2003. New York: ACM SIGGRAPH, 2003, p. 223-230. ISBN 1-58113-861-X.
  • Žára J.
    • Preparation and presentation of cultural content in virtual environment
    • In Proceedings of Electronic Imaging 2003 - Internet Imaging IV [CD-ROM]. Bellingham: SPIE, 2003, p. 72-79.
  • Žára J.
    • Preparation and Presentation of Cultural Content in Virtual Environment
    • In Proceedings of Electronic Imaging 2003 - Internet Imaging IV. Bellingham: SPIE, 2003, p. 72-79. ISBN 0-8194-4818-4.
  • Žára J., Slavík P.
    • Cultural Heritage Presentation in Virtual Environment: Czech Experience
    • In Proceedings Fourteenth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003, p. 92-96. ISBN 0-7695-1993-8.
  • Ženka R., Slavík P.
    • New Dimension for Sketches
    • In Proceedings - Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2003. New York: ACM SIGGRAPH, 2003, p. 157-163. ISBN 1-58113-861-X.
  • Žikovský P., Míkovec Z., Slavík P.
    • A Universal Approach to Multimodal User Interfaces
    • In Human-Computer Interaction: Theory and Practice (Part II). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2003, p. 821-825. ISBN 0-8058-4931-9.
  • Žikovský P., Němec V., Slavík P.
    • Towards Multimodal Context-Awareness User Interfaces
    • In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003. Lisboa: IADIS Press, 2003, vol. II, p. 736-739. ISBN 972-98947-1-X.
  • Žikovský P., Slavík P.
    • Advanced Methods of Search Query Refinement in Web Environment
    • In Human-Computer Interaction: Theory and Practice (Part II). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2003, p. 1054-1058. ISBN 0-8058-4931-9.


  • Bittner J.
    • Efficient Construction of Visibility Maps using Approximate Occlusion Sweep
    • In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics - SCCG 2002. New York: ACM, 2002, p. 167-175. ISBN 1-58113-608-0.
  • Chludil J., Žára J.
    • Nautilus - The Environment for Training and Testing
    • In Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2002, p. 134-139. ISBN 0-7695-1853-2.
  • Felkel P., Fuhrmann A., Kanitsar A., Wegenkittl R.
    • Surface Reconstruction of the Branching Vessels for Augmented Reality Aided Surgery
    • In Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images. Brno: VUTIUM Press, 2002, vol. 1, p. 252-254. ISBN 80-214-2120-7.
  • Gayer M., Slavík P., Hrdlička F.
    • Interactive System for Pulverized Coal Combustion Visualization with Fluid Simulator
    • In Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Conference: Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing. Anaheim: Acta Press, 2002, p. 288-293. ISBN 0-88986-354-3.
  • Hrdlička F., Kubelka O., Slavík P.
    • Computational Model for Efficient Filter Design
    • In The Proceedings of the 27th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems. Gaithersburg: Coal Technology Association, 2002, p. 539-548. ISBN 0-932066-27-3.
  • Máša M., Žára J.
    • Generalized Interest Management in Virtual Environments
    • In CVE 2002 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Collaborative Virtual Environments. New York: ACM Press, 2002, p. 149-150. ISBN 1-58113-489-4.
  • Máša M., Žára J.
    • From Textual Chats to Interest Groups in 3D Virtual Space
    • In EUROGRAPHICS 2002, Short Presentations. Saarbrücken: Eurographics Association, 2002, p. 199-205. ISSN 1017-4656.
  • Míkovec Z., Klíma M., Slavík P.
    • Manipulation of Complex 2D/3D Scenes on Mobile Devices
    • In Proceedings of the 2nd IASTED International Conference: Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing. Anaheim: Acta Press, 2002, p. 161-166. ISBN 0-88986-354-3.
  • Němec V., Míkovec Z., Slavík P.
    • Adaptive Navigation of Visually Impaired Users in Virtual Environment on the World Wide Web
    • In Proceedings 7th ERCIM Workshop “User Interfaces for All”. Rocquencourt: INRIA, 2002, p. 101-112. ISBN 2-7261-1230-7.
  • Sloup J.
    • A Survey of the Modelling and Rendering of the Earth's Atmosphere
    • In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics - SCCG 2002. New York: ACM, 2002, p. 141-149. ISBN 1-58113-608-0.
  • Štěpán V., Žára J.
    • Teaching Tennis In Virtual Environment
    • In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics - SCCG 2002. New York: ACM, 2002, p. 49-54. ISBN 1-58113-608-0.
  • Szirmay-Kalos L., Havran V., Balázs B., Szecsi L.
    • On the Efficiency of Ray-shooting Acceleration Schemes
    • In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics - SCCG 2002. New York: ACM, 2002, p. 89-98. ISBN 1-58113-608-0.
  • Ulrich T., Žára J.
    • Interactive Virtual Gallery
    • In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics - SCCG 2002. New York: ACM, 2002, p. 43-47. ISBN 1-58113-608-0.
  • Žára J.
    • Concise Tour to the Virtual Old Prague
    • In EUROGRAPHICS 2002, Short Presentations. Saarbrücken: Eurographics Association, 2002, p. 191-198. ISSN 1017-4656.


  • Adamec J., Čížek J., Máša M., Silondi P., Smetana P., Žára J.
    • Virtual House of European Culture: e-AGORA
    • In Virtual Storytelling. Berlin: Springer, 2001, p. 208-211. ISBN 3-540-42611-6.
  • Brachtl M., Šlajs J., Slavík P.
    • PDA Based Navigation System for a 3D Environment
    • Computers & Graphics. 2001, vol. 25, no. 4, p. 627-634. ISSN 0097-8493.
  • Felkel P., Bruckschwaiger M., Wegenkittl R.
    • Implementation and Complexity of the Watershed-from-Markers Algorithm Computed as a Minimal Cost Forest
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2001, vol. 20, no. 3, p. C26-C35. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Kanitsar A., Wegenkittl R., Felkel P., Sandner D., Groller E., Fleischmann D.
    • Automated Vessel Detection at Lower Extremity Multislice CTA
    • European Radiology. 2001, vol. 11, no. S1, p. S236. ISSN 0938-7994.
  • Máša M., Žára J.
    • The General Variables Concept: A Simple Step from Single- to Multi-user Environment
    • In Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Information Visualisation. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, p. 584-588. ISBN 0-7695-1195-3.
  • Žára J., Chromý P., Čížek J., Ghais K., Holub M., Mikeš S., Rajnoch J.
    • A Scaleable Approach to Visualization of Large Virtual Cities
    • In Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Information Visualisation. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, p. 639-644. ISBN 0-7695-1195-3.


  • Havran V., Bittner J.
    • LCTS: Ray Shooting using Longest Common Traversal Sequences
    • Computer Graphics Forum. 2000, vol. 19, no. 3, p. C59-C70. ISSN 0167-7055.
  • Máša M., Žára J.
    • DILEWA: The DIstributed Learning Environment Without Avatars
    • In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Information Visualisation. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000, p. 563-567. ISBN 0-7695-0743-3.


  • Žára J.
    • VRML 97 - Laskavý průvodce virtuálními světy
    • 1. vyd. Brno: Computer Press, 1999. 238 s. ISBN 80-7226-143-6.


  • Žára J., Beneš B., Felkel P.
    • Moderní počítačová grafika
    • 1. vyd. Brno: Computer Press, 1998. 448 s. ISBN 80-7226-049-9.


  • Antoš K., Ježek B., Homola A., Kubínová L., Felkel P.
    • Methods for Reconstruction of Three-Diomensional Structures
    • Acta Veterinaria Brno. 1996, no. 65, p. 237-245. ISSN 0001-7213.
  • Slavík P.
    • Computer Graphics Education in the Czech Republic
    • Computers Graphics. 1996, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 22-23. ISSN 0097-8930.


  • Slavík P.
    • CAD Systems: Trends and Developments
    • In Information Management in Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Berlin: Springer, 1995, p. 478-492. ISBN 3-540-60286-0.
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