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Ing. Roman Berka, Ph.D.

Ing. Roman Berka, Ph.D.

Personal data
Name Ing. Roman Berka, Ph.D.
Official position
At faculty Technical staff
Phone +420-22435-2343
Place Praha 2, Karlovo náměstí 13, E-410
Praha 6, Technická 2, H1-24a

Teaching activities

Lectures [2]

Code Title Lectures Hours Time table
A7B39MM1 Multimedia I 1 2 Time table
AD7B39MM1 Multimedia I 1 2 Time table

Practice [2]

Code Title Practices Hours Time table
A7B39MM1 Multimedia I 2 4 Time table
A7B39ITT2 The Art of Intermedia and Technology II 1 3 Time table

Former subjects [36]

Code Title
X39PMT Team project
X39PMI2 Individual Project II
X39PMI Individual Project

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Code Title
X39MMA Multimedia and Computer Animation
X39ITT2 The Art of Intermedia and Technologies II
X39ITT The Art of Intermedia and Technologies I
X39DIP Diploma Thesis
X39BPJ Semester Project
X39BAP Bachelors thesis
X36TJC Programming Technology in C++
X36SIN Software Engineering
X36PMT Team Project
X36PMI2 Individual projekt II, master's
X36PMI Individual Project
X36PJC Programming in the C++ Language
X36DIP Diploma Thesis
X36BPJ Semester Project
X36BAP Bachelor Project
X36ALG Algorithmics
XD36PMI Individual Project
XD36MMA Multimedia and Computer Animation
XD36DIP Diploma Thesis
XD36BPJ Semester Project
XD36BAP Bachelor Project
A7B39MM1 Multimedia I
A7B39KMA Multimedia Applications course
A7B39ITT2 The Art of Intermedia and Technology II
A7B39ITT The Art of Intermedia and Technology I
A4M39SVP Software or Research Project
A4M39MMA Multimedia and Computer Animation
A4B39SVP Software or Research Project
A0M39DIP Master Thesis
A0B39BAP Bachelor Project
AD7B39PRO Semestral project
AD7B39MM1 Multimedia I
AD0B39BAP Bachelor project



Significant [1]

  • VRI Exhibition
    • Author: BERKA R., SPORKA A., SLAVÍK P., ŽÁRA J.
    • Year: 2004
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Proceedings of SCCG (conference materials and posters). Bratislava: Comenius University, 2004, p. 47-51. ISSN 1335-5694.

Other [30]

  • Pair - air monitoring device
    • Author: HYBLER J., BERKA R.
    • Year: 2012
    • Type:
    • Bibliography: [Funkční vzorek]. 2012. (in Czech).
  • Vertical plotter for EEG.
    • Author: HYBLER J., JANSA J., BERKA R.
    • Year: 2012
    • Type:
    • Bibliography: [Funkční vzorek]. 2012. (in Czech).
  • Virtual Cities in Time And Space (ViCiTiS)
    • Year: 2012
    • Type: Technical Report
    • Bibliography: [Technical Report]. CTU in Prague: Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction, 2012. CS-TR-DCGI-2012-4. 50 p. ISSN 1805-6180.

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  • VR and HCI Labs at the Czech Technical University in Prague
    • Author: BERKA R., BITTNER J., SLAVÍK P.
    • Year: 2011
    • Type: Paper
    • Bibliography: SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems. 2011, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 6-9. ISSN 2236-3297.
  • Workshop on Virtual Cities 2011
    • Year: 2011
    • Type:
    • Bibliography: [Pořádání workshopu]. 2011. (in Czech).
  • Multi-Threaded Real-Time Video Grabber
    • Author: TRÁVNÍČEK Z., BERKA R.
    • Year: 2010
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In WSCG2010 Communication Papers Proceedings. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2010, p. 259-263. ISBN 978-80-86943-87-9.
  • CAVE to CAVE: Communication in Distributed Virtual Environment
    • Year: 2009
    • Type: Technical Report
    • Bibliography: [Technical Report]. Praha: CESNET, 2009. 23/2008. 14 p. ISBN 978-80-904173-4-2.
  • není k dispozici
    • Author: BERKA R.
    • Year: 2009
    • Type: Chapter in Book
    • Bibliography: In Uživatelsky přívětivá rozhraní. Praha: Horava&Associate, 2009, s. 164-176. ISBN 978-80-254-5295-0. (in Czech).
    • Author: ZÍSKAL B., SVÍTEK J., BERKA R.
    • Year: 2009
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In IBC 2009. London: International Press Centre, 2009, p. 1-7. ISBN 978-0-9562331-0-3.
  • The Institute of Intermedia at the CTU in Prague
    • Author: KOLÁŘ J., BERKA R.
    • Year: 2007
    • Type: Unpublished Lecture
    • Bibliography: [Nepublikovaná přednáška]. Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana. 2007-09-21. (in Spanish).
  • A Formal Approach to The Development of Web Based Multimedia Presentations
    • Author: BERKA R., SPORKA A., SLAVÍK P., ŽÁRA J.
    • Year: 2004
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In First Central European International Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference. Veszprém: Veszprém University Press, 2004, p. 145-154. ISBN 963-9495-46-8.
  • Authoring of Multimedia Presentations in Web Environment
    • Author: SPORKA A., BERKA R., SLAVÍK P., ŽÁRA J.
    • Year: 2004
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Proceedings of Workshop 2004. Prague: CTU, 2004, vol. A, p. 320-321. ISBN 80-01-02945-X.
  • Level of Motion Detail in Virtual Reality
    • Author: BERKA R., HUDEC B.
    • Year: 2002
    • Type: PhD Thesis
    • Bibliography: [PhD Thesis]. Prague: CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2002. 120 p.
  • Level of Motion Detail in Virtual Reality
    • Author: BERKA R.
    • Year: 2002
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Journal of WSCG'2002. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2002, p. 87-94. ISSN 1213-6980.
  • Level of Motion Detail in Virtual Reality
    • Author: BERKA R.
    • Year: 2002
    • Type: Paper
    • Bibliography: Journal of WSCG. 2002, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 87-94. ISSN 1213-6972.
  • Using Genetic Algorithm for Movement Evolution of Virtual Creatures
    • Author: SRKAL P., BERKA R.
    • Year: 1999
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Proceedings of Workshop 99. Prague: CTU, 1999, p. 159.
  • Navigation System for Blind Users in Mobile Computing Environment
    • Author: SLAVÍK P., BERKA R.
    • Year: 1999
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Interactive Applications of Mobile Computing. Rostock: Neuer Hochschulschriftenverlag, 1999, p. 53-60. ISBN 3-929544-96-2.
  • Virtual Reality for Blind Users
    • Author: BERKA R., SLAVÍK P.
    • Year: 1998
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In The 2nd European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies. Reading: University of Reading, 1998, p. 89-98. ISBN 0-7049-1141-8.
  • Navigation System for Blind Users in Mobile Computing Environment
    • Author: SLAVÍK P., BERKA R.
    • Year: 1998
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Proceedings if IMC '98. Rostock: Fraunhofer Institut, 1998, p. 85-94.
  • Reduction of Computations in Physics-Based Animation Using Level of Detail
    • Author: BERKA R.
    • Year: 1997
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. Bratislava: Comenius University, 1997, p. 69-76. ISBN 80-223-1176-6.
  • User Interfaces for Blind People
    • Author: BERKA R., MIKŠÍČEK L.
    • Year: 1997
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Poster 1997. Prague: CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1997, p. 3.
  • EYE - the Navigation and Training System for Blind
    • Author: BERKA R., NOVOTNÝ M., PÍČ V., SLAVÍK P.
    • Year: 1997
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Workshop 97. Prague: CTU, 1997, vol. I, p. 291-292.
  • Three-Dimensional Information System on the World Wide Web
    • Year: 1996
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Multimedia '96. Wien: Springer, 1996, p. 68-78. ISBN 3-211-82876-1.
  • One Technology in Creation of Virtual Cities
    • Author: BERKA R.
    • Year: 1996
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Workshop 96. Prague: CTU, 1996, vol. I, p. 293-294.
  • Dynamic Reductions in Physically Based Animation
    • Author: BERKA R.
    • Year: 1996
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Poster 1996. Prague: CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1996, p. 67.
  • One Method of the Human Body Animation
    • Author: BERKA R., JELÍNEK I.
    • Year: 1995
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Proceedings of the Third International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualisation 95. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 1995, p. 5-16. ISBN 80-7082-187-6.
  • Using Formal Methods in the Control of Independent Animated Objects
    • Author: BERKA R., JELÍNEK I.
    • Year: 1995
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Workshop 95. Prague: CTU, 1995, vol. I, p. 251-252.
  • Comparing Tests of a Few Graphical Workstations
    • Author: BRACHTL M., BERKA R.
    • Year: 1995
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Poster 1995. Prague: CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1995, p. 125.
  • VITALIATOR - the Human Body Animating System
    • Author: BERKA R., JELÍNEK I.
    • Year: 1994
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In CTU Seminar 94. Prague: CTU, 1994, vol. B, p. 45-46.
  • Formal Methods in Human Body Model Animation
    • Author: JELÍNEK I., BERKA R.
    • Year: 1994
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In Proceedings of Spring School on Computer Graphics. Bratislava: Comenius University, 1994, p. 220-225. ISBN 80-223-0801-3.



Significant [1]

  • Virtual Reality for Blind Users
    • Author: BERKA R., SLAVÍK P.
    • Year: 1998
    • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
    • Bibliography: In The 2nd European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies. Reading: University of Reading, 1998, p. 89-98. ISBN 0-7049-1141-8.
    • Citated in:
      • Virtual Reality in Brain Damage Rehabilitation: Review
        • Authors: F. David Rose, Barbara. M. Brooks, Albert A. Rizzo
        • Year: 2005
        • Journal: CyberPsychology & Behavior, Jun 2005, Vol. 8, No. 3: 241-262
        • ISSN: 1094-9313

Other [5]

  • Virtual Reality for Blind Users
  • Authors: BERKA R., SLAVÍK P.
  • Year: 1998
  • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
  • Bibliography: In The 2nd European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies. Reading: University of Reading, 1998, p. 89-98. ISBN 0-7049-1141-8.
  • Citated in:
    • Virtual Environment Applications in Clinical Neuropsychology
      • Authors: A. Rizzo, J. G. Buckwalter, C. Van der Zaag, U. Neumann, M. Thiebaux, C. Chua, A. Van Rooyen, P. Larson, L. Humphrey
      • Year: 2000
      • Journal: Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2000 (VR'00) p. 63
    • Apports de la réalité virtuelle a la prise en charge de troubles cognitifs et comportementaux
      • Authors: Evelyne KLINGER
      • Year: 2006
      • Journal: Thèse présentée pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l’École Nationale
  • Reduction of Computations in Physics-Based Animation Using Level of Detail
  • Authors: BERKA R.
  • Year: 1997
  • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
  • Bibliography: In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. Bratislava: Comenius University, 1997, p. 69-76. ISBN 80-223-1176-6.
  • Citated in:
    • Dynamic real-time deformations using space and time adaptive sampling
      • Authors: G. Debunne, M. Desbrun, A. H. Barr, M. P. Cani
      • Year: 2001
      • Journal: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference Proceedings, 2001, Los Angeles, pp. 31–36.
    • An Interactive Forest
      • Authors: T. Di Giacomo, S. Capo, F. Faure
      • Year: 2001
      • Journal: Eurographics Workshop on Computer Animation and Simulation, pages 65-74, 2001, Manchester
      • ISSN: 0946-2767
  • One Method of the Human Body Animation
  • Authors: BERKA R., JELÍNEK I.
  • Year: 1995
  • Type: Paper in Conference Proceedings
  • Bibliography: In Proceedings of the Third International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualisation 95. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 1995, p. 5-16. ISBN 80-7082-187-6.
  • Citated in:
    • CiteSeer.IST, Scientific Literature Digital Library
      • Authors: .
      • Year: 1995
      • Journal: CiteSeer

Grants [15]

  • V3C - Visual Computing Competence Center
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 2012 - 2019
    • Program: Competence Centres
    • Person responsible for the grant at the CTU
    • Duration: 2011 - 2011
    • Program:
  • Interactive Modeling and Visualization of Virtual Urban Spaces
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 2010 - 2012
    • Program:

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    • Person responsible for the grant at the CTU
    • Duration: 2008 - 2008
    • Program:
  • Organization of the EUROGRAPHICS 2007 Conference
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 2007 - 2007
    • Program:
  • Innovation of Computer Graphics on CTU FEE
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 2004 - 2004
    • Program:
  • Virtual Heart of Central Europe (VHCE)
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 2003 - 2004
    • Program:
  • Preparation of the Course “Multimedia and Computer Animation”
    • Person responsible for the grant at the CTU
    • Duration: 2003 - 2003
    • Program:
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 2001 - 2001
    • Program:
  • New Approaches to CAD Education at CTU FEE
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 2001 - 2001
    • Program:
  • Innovation of Computer Graphics Education at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 1999 - 1999
    • Program:
  • Network Technology and Computer Graphics in Distributed Environment
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 1998 - 1998
    • Program:
  • Methods of Graphical Communication in Distributed Environment
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 1996 - 1998
    • Program: Development of the informational infrastructure of research and development
  • Man-Computer Graphical Communication for Blind and Visually-Impaired
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 1996 - 1996
    • Program: Standard projects
    • Department: Czech Grant Agency
  • Complex System for Teaching Computer Graphics and CAE
    • Team Member
    • Duration: 1993 - 1994
    • Program: Education development program


Projects [2]

  • Level Of motion Detail
    • Duration: 2001 - 2001
  • Inovation of the CAD course on the ČVUT-FEL
    • Duration: 2001 - 2001

Conference committees

Significant [1]

  • Eurographics 2007
    • Organizer: Eurographics
    • Duration: 2007 - 2007

Other [2]

  • Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference 2006
    • Organizer: University of Veszprém - Virtual Environment and Imaging Technologies Laboratory
    • Duration: 2006 - 2006
  • Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference 2005
    • Organizer: ČVUT FEL
    • Duration: 2005 - 2005
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