Překlady této stránky:


3D reconstruction tools

  • photo-to-3d java-webstart application enabling generation of 3D model from TWO or more photos. It comunicate with server, so maybe a lot of work is done on remote machine.
  • insight3d You give it a series of photos of a real scene (e.g., of a building), it automatically matches them and then calculates positions in space from which each photo has been taken (plus camera’s optical parameters) along with a 3D pointcloud of the scene. You can then use insight3d’s modeling tools to create textured polygonal model. Basically, it hopes to be „Photosynth + Canoma“. Or „boujou + Imagemodeler“. But it's also free and opensource (GNU AGPL 3).
  • photocitygame PhotoCity is a game played outdoors, with any camera, even a cell-phone camera. By taking photos of buildings around your city or school campus, you can earn points, capture flags, and virtually own your favorite buildings, all while contributing to a large-scale 3D reconstruction!
  • visual experiments - Interesting blog, testing several 3D reconstruction tools, like bundler, photosynth, PMVS…
  • vision.middlebury.edu - comparison of computer vision algs.
  • Voodoo Camera Tracker - A tool for the integration of virtual and real scenes - similar to Autodesk MatchMover(originally RealViz)
  • surface reconstruciton benchmark http://www.cs.utah.edu/~bergerm/recon_bench/

Laser Scanner




Collaborative environment

  • VERSE, UNI-VERSE Verse is a network protocol that lets multiple applications act together as one large application by sharing data over a network. If one application makes a change to shared data, the change is distributed instantly to all the other interested clients. The protocol and associated data format are both heavily optimized for sharing data suitable for 3D graphics.

Java & 3D

  • CyberVRML97 CyberVRML97 for Java is a development package for VRML97/2.0 and Java3D programmers. Using the package, you can easily read and write the VRML files, set and get the scene graph information, draw the geometries, run the behaviors easily.
  • Anaglyph canvas for java3D AnaglyphCanvas3D is library for adding anaglyphs (red-green, red-cyan and so on) to the Java3D programming language. It utilizes the normal Canvas (-3D) class of Java3D and extends it for stereoscopic effects.
  • JCuda JCuda is a library that provides Java bindings for CUDA. - support forum - cuda graphCuts
  • C, Cpp a Java - lehký tutoriál do JNI
  • substance - rich java UI, nejake ukazky
  • UnBoolean - CSG java implementation





  • Boykov - GraphCut and Multilabel segmentation










cs/members/sedlad1/phdstudies/links.txt · Poslední úprava: 2015/07/31 18:08 autor:
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