Překlady této stránky:

Instructions for work on projects

The undermentioned instructions go for everyone whose project supervisor is a staff member of DCGI. In all other cases, you have to follow instructions that are valid for the specific subject or the department of your supervisor.

Czech version of instructions correct

Czech version of instructions.

Included subjects:

  • Software or Research Project - BE4MSVP (Master programme Open Informatics)

Guarantor of subjects (at DCGI): Jaroslav Sloup email: sloup@fel.cvut.cz

Work on projects - workflow

Important dates

  • Project assignment (student) - by the end of the 3rd week of the semester - 10.3.2023
  • Project submission (student) - by the end of the 1st week of the exam period - 2.6.2023
  • Project evaluation (supervisor) - by the end of the 3rd week of the exam period - 16.6.2023

Instructions for students

  1. By the end of the 3rd week of semester students have to find the supervisor, should agree on the project topic and define the project objectives. The supervisor determines the assignment and scope of the project. If the project involves an external contractor (e.g., a company), then it must always be guaranteed by the DCGI (FEL ČVUT) specialist supervisor responsible for the project and communicating with all persons involved.
  2. Students work continuously on a project, consulting interim results with the supervisor as needed.
  3. Deadline for submitting the final project results is by the end of the first week of the examination period. Students will pass the results of their projects and the final reports to the supervisor by upload on leyfi.felk.cvut.cz server (see instructions below). Students will inform the guarantor and project supervisor of this fact.
  4. It is recommended that students, as a part of the project results, upload 3-10 images presenting the results they achieved (resolution of images/screenshots: min. FullHD, renders: 4k) that can be used for promotional purposes. By upload, the student agrees to use the pictures for the promotional/presentation purposes of the department/faculty/CTU.
  5. The structure of the final report corresponds to the structure of the bachelor's / master's thesis (unless otherwise specified by the supervisor), the expected range is at least 10 standard pages (1800 characters/page).
  6. The student is obligated to do a presentation of the results of his / her project to the supervisor (the presentation has the form of the defense and takes place after the supervisor has written up the project's evaluation).
  7. The (graded) assessment (zápočet, credit) is awarded to students by the guarantor based on the evaluation of the supervisors and the fulfillment of all mandatory requirements (in time submission of the project, successful presentation, etc.). Submitting the project after the deadline automatically leads to not giving the assessment.

Upload of project results

The final results of the projects are passed to supervisors by upload to the leyfi-int.felk.cvut.cz server. In the directory corresponding to the project code (BE4MSVP, B4BPROJ6), the student will create a subdirectory with its username to store the outputs/results of the project (report, source code of the application, etc.). Optionally, 3-10 images presenting the achieved results will be uploaded in the subdirectory img (screenshots resolution: at least fullHD, renders: 4k).

Login data for uploading project results to server leyfi-int.felk.cvut.cz:

  • Server: leyfi-int.felk.cvut.cz
  • Proto: SSH / SCP
  • Port: 22
  • User: projects
  • Password: will be sent to the students during the semester by email

Instructions for supervisors

  1. Each supervisor together with the student specifies the topic and objectives of the project, inserts it into the application for semestral projects and sends the project assignment info to the guarantor (student name + assignment title). Typically, the project topic is derived from the bachelor/master thesis topic. Concurrent work on project and bachelor/master thesis in the same semester is not recommended!
  2. Each supervisor together with the student specifies the topic and objectives of the project and send it to the guarantor. Typically, the project topic is derived from the bachelor/master thesis topic. Concurrent work on project and bachelor/master thesis in the same semester is not recommended!
  3. The project assignment has to include the project's title, student's name + email, the field of study, supervisor's name + email, supervisor's department, the project instructions and a description of the project outputs (application, survey, prototype, etc.) and requirements in sufficient detail.
  4. After submission of the project results by students, each supervisor writes an evaluation (ideally a combination of verbal evaluation + structured report/form) and sends it to the student and guarantor. The evaluation has to be done within 10 working days after the project submission (by the end of the 3rd week of the exam period).
  5. The supervisor makes a schedule for student project presentations (the form is elected by the supervisor - it can be a public presentation to teachers and students or just a presentation for students from one supervisor). The term of the presentation should be announced by the supervisor to the guarantor in advance.
  6. The presentation takes place after the supervisor has written up the project's evaluation - the presentation, therefore, has the character of a defense.

Structured project evaluation form for the subject:

Instructions for guarantor

  1. At the beginning of the semester, the guarantor sends out to all students registered for the project link to the web page containing instructions related to their work on the project (how to find the topic of the project, deadlines, project evaluation, etc.).
  2. At the end of the 3rd week of the semester guarantor checks whether all students already have a supervisor and have selected a suitable project topic.
  3. During the semester, the guarantor can attend selected presentations (selection of presentations and their number is entirely within the competence of the guarantor).
  4. Till the end of the examination period, the guarantor writes the assessments (zápočet, credit) down into the information system (KOS) based on the evaluation of the project by supervisor and fulfillment of all obligatory requirements (submission of the project in time, presentation of the project).
  5. Guarantor marks the projects as finished and moves its data into the archive.


Projects archive

The project evaluation archive can be found here.

;;# Za obsah stránky zodpovídá: Jaroslav Sloup ;;#

cs/study/subjectproject.txt · Poslední úprava: 2024/01/16 10:28 autor: kubr
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