Translations of this page:

List of electronical resources

360Search Search in all resources and catalogues of the CTU Central library
Web of Science Multi-scope citation database
Journal Citation Reports Summary citations about periodicals
Scopus Multi-scope citation database
IOP Science (IoP) Collection of electronic periodicals IOP Science of Institute of Physics
PROLA1) Archive of periodicals Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics and Physical Review A-E
MathSci Periodicals of American mathematical society
MIT CogNet Electronic periodicals and books of cognitive science
IEEE Xplore2) Engineering, Electronical engineering and IT
ACM DL Full ACM publications, IT
ScienceDirect Digital library of Elsevier publisher, natural science
SpringerLink Springer Verlag periodicals and books, natural science, mathematics and IT
InterScience Digital library of Wiley publisher
EBSCOhost Multi-databse of natural science, social science and trade and economy
INIS3) Nuclear science - only for FNSPE4)
Optics Letters Optics - only for FNSPE5)
Informa Healthcare Medical healthcare, pharmacy - trial to 22.3.2010

;;# Person responsible for the page content: Klára Dvořáková ;;#

Physical Review Online
IEEE/IET Electronic Library
International Nuclear Information System
4) , 5)
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
en/library/information-resources-list.txt · Last modified: 2011/05/10 10:30 by
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