Translations of this page:

Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction

Aims and Scope

The long term objectives of our department are the teaching and the research at the level of leading European universities.

  • to train bachelor, master and doctoral students to become graduates with a high competence and a great potential for their future careers.
  • to actively participate in the current research in the fields of Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction.
  • to publish at reputable international conferences and prestigious journals.
  • to support teaching and research by carrying out projects of grant agencies and important commercial organisations.
  • to collaborate with Czech and foreign partners in research and teaching.


Position Name E-mail in FEL.CVUT.CZ domain
Head Prof. Ing. Jiří Žára, CSc. zara
Deputy head for education Ing. Petr Felkel, Ph.D. felkel
Deputy head for research (HCI) Prof. Ing. Pavel Slavík, CSc. slavik
Deputy head for research (CG) Doc. Ing. Jiří Bittner, Ph.D. bittner
Project coordinator Kateřina Horáčková horackat
Secretary Ivana Přádová pradoiva


Our department was founded in July 2008 by teachers and researchers of former Computer Graphics Group (CGG) at CTU Prague.

Further information (telephone, map) available in contact section.

;;# Person responsible for the page content: prof. Ing. Jiří Žára, CSc. ;;#

en/main.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/19 15:31 by
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